Regional Lead:

Age-Friendly University Global Network Oceania logo


University of Queensland Australia logo in purple with a shield icon featuring a book.

Under the direction of Prof Nancy Pachana, the University of Queensland (Australia) serves as the Regional Lead for the Oceania Region.

Ranked in the world's top 50, The University of Queensland is one of Australia's leading research and teaching institutions. It was the first University in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere to obtain Age-Friendly University Status.

Contact Information

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each AFU GN Regional Lead is a leader in the Age-Friendly University Movement. They serve as a point of contact for institutions in the region interested in pursuing Age-Friendly University Status and work to coordinate activities in each of their respective regions.

    They are elected to serve a 4-year renewable term.

  • Regional Leads serve as the representative of the Global Network in their region. They report to the AFU GN Global Secretariat - and serve in an Advisory Role to the Secretariat. We encourage you to contact the Regional Lead in your area - but you may also contact the Secretariat with questions.

  • You can contact your regional lead, who can assist you.

  • We recommend contacting the regional lead in your area, who you can discuss the proposal with.