“An age-friendly world enables people of all ages to participate actively and treats everyone with respect, regardless of their age.”
Endorsing the Age-Friendly University Principles and joining the Global Network is a concrete step your institution can make in its commitment to a more age-friendly and age-inclusive world.
The process of joining the network is not meant to be burdensome; it is meant to support a reflective evaluation of your university’s offerings and potential. The entire process can take 3 to 12 months, from initiation to submission.
Age-Friendly University Endorsement Process
Develop an Age-Friendly University Working Group & Identify Your Age-Friendly University Champions: As a first step, we highly recommend establishing an Age-Friendly University Group and reviewing the Application Guidelines and Resources. Aim to meet with colleagues throughout your institution to review the Age-Friendly University principles and map how they inform opportunities and gaps at your institution. You may also seek faculty endorsement of the principles at the department, program, and/or institutional level. At this stage, you should also identify who will serve as your institution’s Age-Friendly University Champion. This individual(s) will serve as a point person to the Global Network and will apply. This reflection process should help you identify existing programs and opportunities for advancement. While we aim to have institutions engaged across all 10 Principles for the application, we only seek evidence of existing or planned activities from 2 to 4 of the Principles in the application.
Institutional Support: Arrange a meeting with the appropriate member of your university administration (e.g., chancellor, provost, president) who will approve your institutional endorsement. The appropriate administrator should sign this endorsement letter and provide a commitment of support for the Age-Friendly University Principles. It is also helpful to note what the institute wishes to get from its membership. Many institutions discuss the initiative with a faculty assembly, faculty senate, or other governance body. Remember: Endorsing the Age-Friendly University Principles is an Institutional commitment.
Complete the Age-Friendly University Application: Your Age-Friendly University Champion will apply to the Global Network. The application serves as a member record. It requires information related to your institution, existing or planned activities in line with the Age-Friendly University Principles, a commitment to continuous improvement, identification of your Age-Friendly University Champions, and submission of the letter of endorsement and other evidence.
Ready to apply?
The Application Process is meant to be completed in one session. We highly recommend you download a copy of the Application Form and prepare your responses prior to starting. Doing so will expedite the process. The application should take between 10 and 15 minutes.
We’ve Applied, Now What?
Congratulations! Your institution has taken a significant step towards a more age-friendly and age-inclusive world.
Applications submitted to the Global Secretariat are reviewed Bi-Monthly at the Executive Council Meeting. Your Age-Friendly Champion and University Administrator will receive an electronic letter from the Secretariat with the decision and next steps.
What If We Have Questions?
You can find the answers to many commonly asked questions on our Frequently Asked Questions Page.
We welcome all inquiries and questions to support your efforts toward an Age-Friendly University. Feel free to contact us through the website or by emailing Info@AFUGN.org.